Scoala Gimnaziala 95

marți, 9 iunie 2015


As we present in a preview post the staff meeting from Cordoba Spain have a very busy agendam because all of the partners have a lot to share . the workshops took place in Cordoba and in Sevila, and keep busy the participants all the time. back in the country our cooleagues prof. marcu and prof, Bazarciuc share their excperiences with us and we hope we can improve for the future entire educational system.

luni, 8 iunie 2015

2015 may - june , activities diary

Hello dear friends, Our european project is in full activity and many people heard about our achievments.
entire last month was full of usefull activities. The month begin with a Project meetinh held in Cordoba, Spain.
Between 4 to 8 May 2015, two members of the project team "ICT in daily life and e-learning for adult education" (prof. Mark Lavinia-Larisa and prof. Bazarciuc Mihaela Gabriela) have mobility project Embark first organized by project partner in Cordoba - Spain.
The program was designed as power-point presentations sessions, debates on the issue of projections and socio-cultural organization of activities aimed at the following aspects:
· Presentation of the activities carried out locally, in the first year of the project;
· Power-Point Presentation dissemination activities locally, nationally and internationally;
· Discuss the positive and negative aspects of the project (training activities, financial aspects, dissemination plan, final results etc.)
· Planning transnational meetings and training activities in the next year of the project;
· Disseminating the project and its results Lifelong Learning Center in Andalusia;
· Meeting with the target group of partner institutions, CEPER Fuensanta;
· Presentation of the project web page and online learning platform, made by partners in Turkey;
· Visiting Patio Sightseeing Tour Cordoba, Spain Square and downtown Seville;
In the mddle at the month, at Gymnasial School nr. 86 a new group of adults start courses about TIC and internet and at the end of the month , on 23 june, was held the National Geographycal Symposium, a high level schoolar meeting which was an excellent opportunity for a disemination of this project. Robert Dobrescu make  a very interesting presentation about the purpose, parteners and the activities from the project, with a special attention for the school and pupils benefits after the activities. Presentation was very wellcome and a lot of the auditors make comments and put questions.