Scoala Gimnaziala 95

miercuri, 3 mai 2017


Last year our project "ICT in Daily Life and e-Learning in Adult education" was finished, but our work is still on the same line. We work, we present to all students (especially the new comers) the models and methodees which we accumulate in the previous years and also we aremakeing new plans for improve our activity. Our students become better andbeter in using ITC skills. they try to win time and advantages using properly their gadgets. they understand that the electronic devices are not just  cool things which help them to communicate with friends or allow  to play some games. They understand that an electronic device help to find informations, to find jobs and to be more efficient in your life. Searching the net in order to see how our activity was presented in the virtual space , we find a big newspaper article, hosted by the most important romanian educational magasine, we are meaning here "Tribuna Invatamantului" ( "Educational Desk") . In this article was presented very detailed a part of our activities, and some of the results. We WILL keep on working. This is clearly.