Scoala Gimnaziala 95

miercuri, 3 mai 2017


Last year our project "ICT in Daily Life and e-Learning in Adult education" was finished, but our work is still on the same line. We work, we present to all students (especially the new comers) the models and methodees which we accumulate in the previous years and also we aremakeing new plans for improve our activity. Our students become better andbeter in using ITC skills. they try to win time and advantages using properly their gadgets. they understand that the electronic devices are not just  cool things which help them to communicate with friends or allow  to play some games. They understand that an electronic device help to find informations, to find jobs and to be more efficient in your life. Searching the net in order to see how our activity was presented in the virtual space , we find a big newspaper article, hosted by the most important romanian educational magasine, we are meaning here "Tribuna Invatamantului" ( "Educational Desk") . In this article was presented very detailed a part of our activities, and some of the results. We WILL keep on working. This is clearly.

marți, 19 iulie 2016


Unul dintre obiectivele proiectului Erasmus+ "ITC and elearning  in Daily Life and Adult Education" a fost sa construiasca o platforma de invatare online. Asa s-a nascut platforma www.ICTPROJECT.ORG care ii ajuta pe cei interesati sa deprinda (sau sa aprofundeze) diferite programe de calculator, diferite aspecte ale vietii online, inclusiv detalii de arta fotografica sau de smartphone ( sistemul Android). Ceea ce este foarte important este faptul ca pentru programele pe calculator, word, excel etc care sunt prezentate si detaliate de aceasta minunata platforma , cursantii online vor primi diplome certificate international. Platforma este destinata oricarui   utilizator al internetului, dar in mod sigur va fi valabila gratuit numai pana in luna august 2016. Nu amanati sa primiti un certificat de parcurgere a unui curs, gratuit, comod, la voi acasa. Nu amanati sa va largiti bagajul de cunostinte, caci numai asa puetti fi competitivi la locul de munca.

joi, 2 iunie 2016


The project is at the formal end. On the scripts it is ending here, but on really he will end only when everybody in our community will be digital initiate. The project have its final round and meetinng in Poland, an exceptionally hard worker partener.With this occasion we will finish the basic lines for the final report.

marți, 24 mai 2016


After several hard work weeks the event from 20 of may was produced and was a great succes. Over 100 persons from educational Ministry, local authorities, community, pparents, other schools and colleges, universities and Teachers Professional Ccenter , from Bucharest and from the country (Prahova district send a strong delegacy) join ass in our exhibition of the project achievments. During over 5 hours the team staff and other teachers from School nr. 95 present their benefits form this project .a very important part of the meetig was the workshop special time, a particulary part of the event where everybody of the guests have the opportunity to watch a short presentation about every course which were hheld in last 2 years in our school. A big part of the event was accorded to the presentation of itc project platform, and  big surprise come from some people which are already use it, do the tasks and receive the certificates.We are talking about surprise because hhe did not know that the information about the platfor was spreaded from people to people  so fast. We presnet to a lot of groups but somme students present it to others and do far...What is good is spreaded. Next week we will be in Poland for the final meeting, where we will present the last achievments and performances from our school.

marți, 3 mai 2016


Next week, on 20 may 2016 will be held a major conerence in our school, an event whch is build in order to present our achievements, efforts and benefits layed with the Erasmus Project "ITC and eLearning in our daily life and Adult Education". The conference will have at least 50 special guests (from the municipality, general education inspectors, civil society, community, unions of teachers, press, other organizations and associations) and will consists from a simple but consistent schedulle which will include:
- presentations of every member of the team for personal activities in the project
- short workshops which will present the themes of the courses which have been held in the project
- digital story videos about the project
- discusssions, disseminations and concluzions
The event has a major impact in the educational life of the 3rd district  of Bucharest (the largest community in the country, with over 425000 people and over 4000 teachers) and is an opportunity to share our experience to all our colleagues from educational system in order to improve our competences, our educational methodes and also for improve the interest for a continous self-education. Also is a great opportunity to present the great benefits for the students which belong to  some disadvantages social grpus, especially for the adults which have no complete schollar background.

duminică, 20 martie 2016

CORDOBA, Spain, training course - "Digital story telling"

In oour project Cordoba was the host for the latest international course about using ICT in our daily life. The spanish parteners do the best and we have an excellent training team, the english teachers Steve and Soraya Bailey. During a entire week, ( 14- 18 march) 38 people, from 7 countries, were instructed to made different video products, they learn to make properly shots, properly audio voice records and after all to install everything in a little movie. The students and their teachers conclude 27 different movies, proving that the course was properly organized and everybody understand the techniques. back in oour school we will start a lot of disseminations about this achievements.

vineri, 5 februarie 2016


This week we finish another course with our adult students. The ladies from the group were intiate (or advance) in the potential of their devices. As other 90% of the worlds advanced devices owners, many of our students don't know too much  about their smartphones and tablets. In our world 90% of the smartphones owners buy this staff from other reason except the  normal destination: fashion, as an accessory, to use as a handy camera, internet connection.  Normally a smartphone (or a tablet) is designed to do a lot of technical jobs: office activities, navigations and maps, fast communications (email, conferences, multiple voice  calls etc), large  memory, business activities etc. Our ladies discover that their devices know to do a lot of jobs starting with simple informations (weather, exchange rate, breaking news, etc). They also discover what kind of settings can operate on the deviced, the danger of mobile data (especially when they leave the country), how to administrate the contacts anda lot of other problems. On the other hand they understand the difference between a tablet and a large smartphone and which device is more usefull in detemrinate conditions.