Scoala Gimnaziala 95

marți, 24 mai 2016


After several hard work weeks the event from 20 of may was produced and was a great succes. Over 100 persons from educational Ministry, local authorities, community, pparents, other schools and colleges, universities and Teachers Professional Ccenter , from Bucharest and from the country (Prahova district send a strong delegacy) join ass in our exhibition of the project achievments. During over 5 hours the team staff and other teachers from School nr. 95 present their benefits form this project .a very important part of the meetig was the workshop special time, a particulary part of the event where everybody of the guests have the opportunity to watch a short presentation about every course which were hheld in last 2 years in our school. A big part of the event was accorded to the presentation of itc project platform, and  big surprise come from some people which are already use it, do the tasks and receive the certificates.We are talking about surprise because hhe did not know that the information about the platfor was spreaded from people to people  so fast. We presnet to a lot of groups but somme students present it to others and do far...What is good is spreaded. Next week we will be in Poland for the final meeting, where we will present the last achievments and performances from our school.

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