Scoala Gimnaziala 95

marți, 3 mai 2016


Next week, on 20 may 2016 will be held a major conerence in our school, an event whch is build in order to present our achievements, efforts and benefits layed with the Erasmus Project "ITC and eLearning in our daily life and Adult Education". The conference will have at least 50 special guests (from the municipality, general education inspectors, civil society, community, unions of teachers, press, other organizations and associations) and will consists from a simple but consistent schedulle which will include:
- presentations of every member of the team for personal activities in the project
- short workshops which will present the themes of the courses which have been held in the project
- digital story videos about the project
- discusssions, disseminations and concluzions
The event has a major impact in the educational life of the 3rd district  of Bucharest (the largest community in the country, with over 425000 people and over 4000 teachers) and is an opportunity to share our experience to all our colleagues from educational system in order to improve our competences, our educational methodes and also for improve the interest for a continous self-education. Also is a great opportunity to present the great benefits for the students which belong to  some disadvantages social grpus, especially for the adults which have no complete schollar background.

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