Scoala Gimnaziala 95

duminică, 13 decembrie 2015


This month a lot of work to do connected to our project. We meet almost every day in order to exchange new informations and to share the results of our workm we keep intensive courses about TIC, about internet and all its opportunities and potential damages to our lives, about personal brand and different devices which we use every day..or we can virtually use if we dare to touch them. The students are very connected and from 16 to 65 yrs everybody learn something new. Very welcome are the workshops about personal brand and about blogs because this are two daily aspectswhich all the time cand be improved or can assure us a way to share experiences. In a world of technology sharing the experiences obline, especially ussing personal blogs, is an exceptional opportunity which help us to communicate, to improve our lives to open new doors with other opeoples, even to find better jobs.

vineri, 23 octombrie 2015


Aproximatively one year ago this project started and now we are developing new strategies for sharing our experiences. Both, teachers and students, are deeply involved in this project and probably will be necessary another project with this theme, because ever day new persons are very interesting about our achievements. In octomber 2015, the meeting of the project participants were hosted by the german partners in Berlin.

Between  05 - 09 octomber 2015, two members of our project team  ICT in Daily Life and E-learning for Adult Education”,(prof. Bazarciuc Mihaela-Gabriela and Gheorghiu Oana-Catalina) particpate at the 4th mobility of his project, hosted by the  german partner  Gesellschaft fur Inklusion und Soziale Arbeit e.V. city of  Postdam – Germania.
Program was organized in 3 working days:
06.10.2015 - Presentation of the activities which were organized on every local center , in the first year of  project, after  Cordoba meeting (may 2015); Al  participants had organized photo courses and a photo exhibition and do  diseminations. S-au prezentat afise, pliante si fluturasi cu activitatile derulate. 
Coordonatorul turc a prezentat modulele de invatare on-line (word, hardware) si ne-a anuntat ca proiectul a fost selectat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai bune 10 proiecte ale anului.
 07.10.2015 - were established the ferm dates of the next training  mobilities (Spania) and  the transnational one (Poland).
For every  transnational activity were fixed the duties , tasks and  necessary working dates. 
Also  was held a Video - Conference with  prof. Steve ( UK)  about the training activity from  Spania. in this workshop were established the tasks for the Storytelling training from Cordoba 2015.  
08.10.2015  A special guest of this day was a delegate of Federal  Ministery of Labour and  Social Administration of Germania which held a  conference about the Internet without  barreers .

 In the last session the participants talk about the prepairing of the events which will be held in  may 2016. and the necessary files for the final raport.

marți, 9 iunie 2015


As we present in a preview post the staff meeting from Cordoba Spain have a very busy agendam because all of the partners have a lot to share . the workshops took place in Cordoba and in Sevila, and keep busy the participants all the time. back in the country our cooleagues prof. marcu and prof, Bazarciuc share their excperiences with us and we hope we can improve for the future entire educational system.

luni, 8 iunie 2015

2015 may - june , activities diary

Hello dear friends, Our european project is in full activity and many people heard about our achievments.
entire last month was full of usefull activities. The month begin with a Project meetinh held in Cordoba, Spain.
Between 4 to 8 May 2015, two members of the project team "ICT in daily life and e-learning for adult education" (prof. Mark Lavinia-Larisa and prof. Bazarciuc Mihaela Gabriela) have mobility project Embark first organized by project partner in Cordoba - Spain.
The program was designed as power-point presentations sessions, debates on the issue of projections and socio-cultural organization of activities aimed at the following aspects:
· Presentation of the activities carried out locally, in the first year of the project;
· Power-Point Presentation dissemination activities locally, nationally and internationally;
· Discuss the positive and negative aspects of the project (training activities, financial aspects, dissemination plan, final results etc.)
· Planning transnational meetings and training activities in the next year of the project;
· Disseminating the project and its results Lifelong Learning Center in Andalusia;
· Meeting with the target group of partner institutions, CEPER Fuensanta;
· Presentation of the project web page and online learning platform, made by partners in Turkey;
· Visiting Patio Sightseeing Tour Cordoba, Spain Square and downtown Seville;
In the mddle at the month, at Gymnasial School nr. 86 a new group of adults start courses about TIC and internet and at the end of the month , on 23 june, was held the National Geographycal Symposium, a high level schoolar meeting which was an excellent opportunity for a disemination of this project. Robert Dobrescu make  a very interesting presentation about the purpose, parteners and the activities from the project, with a special attention for the school and pupils benefits after the activities. Presentation was very wellcome and a lot of the auditors make comments and put questions.

miercuri, 20 mai 2015


Proiectul Erasmus+ "TIC and e-Learning in our daily life and Adult Education"  continua cu mult succes. Luna aceasta a avut loc o noua intalnire intre staff-urile coordonatoare, de data aceasta in Cordoba, Spania. Intalnirea a fost fructuoasa, memrii priectului schimad date si informatii despre evolutia prouectului in unitatile lor. La revenirea in Romania, echipa noastra, compusa din doamnele Lavinia Marcu (directorul Scolii 95) si MIhaela Bazarciuc (ccordonaorul proiectului) a prezentat cadrelor didactice, din scoala, activitatea din Spania, diseminarea reprezentand ca si in alte ocazii, un prilej de schimbare aunor noi idei si preluare a

unor experiente valoroase. De asemenea, succesul proiectului a adus si alte solicitari de largire a participantilor la cursuri, astfel ca s-a realizat o grupa noua de cursanti in cadrul Scolii Gimnaziale nr. 86, unde cadrele didactice din aceasta unitate fiiind interesate sa isi largeasca cunostintele despre TIC, internet, branding personal si alte innstrumente asemanatoare. dl. profesor dr. Robert Dobrescu a furnizat acestui nou grup de cursanti informatiile aferente primele module, urmand ca in viitorul imediat apropiat sa se organzeze sediune pentru restul modulelor.

miercuri, 29 aprilie 2015


 In perioada 15 - 21 apr. 2015, a fost organizat Cursul de artă fotografică, din cadrul proiectului  ICT in daily life and e-learning for adult education”, in Ankara– Turcia. Din partea Scolii Gimnaziale Nr. 95 au participat: prof. inv primar Tudor Aurora, prof. Popa Mariana, prof. Bazarciuc Mihaela-Gabriela si trainerul Gheorghiu Oana-Catalina)
Programul de formare a fost conceput astfel încât să acopere atât nevoile teoretice ale cursanților cât și pe cele practice. Sesiunile teoretice au fost repartizate în fiecare zi, fiind urmate de aplicații practice și de sesiuni foto organizate în diferite locatii din Ankara.
Fiecare partener a susținut o prezentare Power- Point despre cei mai renumiți fotografi din țara lor de origine. Pentru diversitate și realizarea comunicării interculturale au fost pregătite lecții de limbă maternă de către fiecare tară participantă. De asemenea, s-a organizat o seară internațională, în care fiecare participant a avut ocazia să-și prezinte portul național, tradițiile culturale și culinare.
           Experienţa dobândită în urma acestei întalniri va fi valorificată prin organizarea unui curs de artă fotografică și realizarea unui album de fotografii

Between 15-21 april 2015 in Ankara was held the Photography course form the ITC in daily life and e-learning for adult education Project. School nr. 95 Bucharest was represented by teachers Tudor Aurora, Popa Mariana , Mihaela 

Bazarciuc and the trainer Gheroghiu IanaCatalina. The course was intense with daily workshops and meetings for exchanging the informations and feed-back. Every participant present a PPT work  about the famous photograph artists from every country which is involved in the project. One of the most interesting parts of the meeting was an intercultural evening which was a huge opportunity for every participant to present the customs and products form their countries. Of course one more opportunity to make photos. This new experience help us to improve the educational activities for the future. 

duminică, 1 martie 2015


Intre 23 - 26.02.2015 s-a desfasurat a II-a intalnire a participantilor la proiectul "ITC and E-Learning", 16 cadre didactice si operatori de resurse umane din 6 tari (Norvegia, Suedia, Spania, Germania, Turcia si Polonia) au sosit in Romania, pentru a participa la a doua sesiune transnationala din cadrul Proiectului europeana "ITC and E-Learning". Participantii au dezbatut parcurgerea proiectului, au facut un bilant al activitatilor in lunile decembrie, ianuarie si februarie si au planificat urmatoarele cursuri si intalniri, prima si cea mai apropiata fiindcursul de fotografie din Turcia, Ankara, ce se va desfasura intre 16-21 aprilie 2015. Impresiile oaspetilor despre Romania, Bucuresti  si Scoala Gimanziala nr. 95 au fost dintre cele mai bune, spre satisfactia noastra.

luni, 23 februarie 2015


AZI ESTE ZIUA INAUGURALA A INTALNIRII DIN ROMANIA A PARTICIPANTILOR LA PROIECTUL "TIC IN OUR DAILY LIFE...ICT and E-learning". Maine si poimaine participantii sositi din 6 tari vor avea mult de lucru: ateliere, diseminari, schimburi de bune practici, vizite la obiective culturale de mare prestigiu precum Palatul Cotroceni si Palatul Mogosoaia. Echipa Scolii nr.95 s-a pregatit foarte mult, materialele sunt la inaltime iar imaginea Scolii va creste , atat pe plan national cat mai ales international.

duminică, 25 ianuarie 2015


Last 2 weeks were full of activities around our TIC european project. We train in parallely two different groups, one of them composed from women (as a vulnerabil social group) and another one composed from adults with educational needs.The groups were very interested, a lot of questions and the classroom were full. The basic themes were conneted to the internet and its use in our daily life (searching for jobs, buying stuffs, social relations in virtual space, security on the internet , communications threw internet with companies, recruitors etc) .

luni, 12 ianuarie 2015


Din anul 2014 Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 95 este partenera in Programul European "TIC in our dailylife"alaturi de institutii educationale din mai multe tari:
Sincan Halk Eğitim Merkezi ve ASO, Ankara - Turcia (coordonator)
CEPER "Fuensanta", Cordoba – Spania
Molkom Folkhögskola, Karlstadt – Suedia

Verein für Inklusion und Soziale Arbeit, Potsdam – Germania
Oslo Voksenopplaering Skullerud, Oslo – Norvegia
Stowarzyszenie Zalasowian, Zalasowa – Polonia
O participare internationala de exceptie care grupeaza scoli din toate spatiile educationale: latine, germanice, slave, turca. Grupul tinta il reprezinta adultii, proiectul fiind centrat pe educatia adultilor, atat sub aspectul celor care mai au nevoie de anumite tipuri de studii si competente, ca si sub aspectul unor grupuri vulnerabile. cazul femeilor. Proiectul va dura 2 ani, pana in 2016 si isi propune un foarte interesant program, care cuprinde ateliere, conferinte, intruniri, schimburi si mobilitati de cursanti.
Ca OBIECTIVE acest program isi propune: 

  1. să utilizeze  noile tehnologii, reţelele sociale şi competenţele digitale;
  2. să producă resurse educaţionale gratuite în diferite limbi europene;
Iar ca IMPACT se urmareste :

  • sporirea accesului la informații şi a coeziunii sociale cu ajutorul Internetului și mijloacelor moderne de comunicare;
  • reducerea numărului de persoane fără abilităţi de lucru pe computer, tablete şi telefoane smart;
  • sporirea gradului de conștientizare și respectul pentru diversitatea culturală locală și europeană
Cine poate participa la acest curs?
Adulti inscrisi in Programul a II Sansa, femei provenind din orice mediu cu varste inicepand de la 16 ani, dar si alte persoane care isi doresc sa isi completeze cunostintele despre tehnologiile informatice.
Cursurile sunt gratuite, iar modulele vor avea loc la sediul Scolii Gimnaziale nr. 95 din str. Foisorului nr 111-113 sector 3.
Inscrieri se pot face la adresa de mail: