Scoala Gimnaziala 95

vineri, 23 octombrie 2015


Aproximatively one year ago this project started and now we are developing new strategies for sharing our experiences. Both, teachers and students, are deeply involved in this project and probably will be necessary another project with this theme, because ever day new persons are very interesting about our achievements. In octomber 2015, the meeting of the project participants were hosted by the german partners in Berlin.

Between  05 - 09 octomber 2015, two members of our project team  ICT in Daily Life and E-learning for Adult Education”,(prof. Bazarciuc Mihaela-Gabriela and Gheorghiu Oana-Catalina) particpate at the 4th mobility of his project, hosted by the  german partner  Gesellschaft fur Inklusion und Soziale Arbeit e.V. city of  Postdam – Germania.
Program was organized in 3 working days:
06.10.2015 - Presentation of the activities which were organized on every local center , in the first year of  project, after  Cordoba meeting (may 2015); Al  participants had organized photo courses and a photo exhibition and do  diseminations. S-au prezentat afise, pliante si fluturasi cu activitatile derulate. 
Coordonatorul turc a prezentat modulele de invatare on-line (word, hardware) si ne-a anuntat ca proiectul a fost selectat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai bune 10 proiecte ale anului.
 07.10.2015 - were established the ferm dates of the next training  mobilities (Spania) and  the transnational one (Poland).
For every  transnational activity were fixed the duties , tasks and  necessary working dates. 
Also  was held a Video - Conference with  prof. Steve ( UK)  about the training activity from  Spania. in this workshop were established the tasks for the Storytelling training from Cordoba 2015.  
08.10.2015  A special guest of this day was a delegate of Federal  Ministery of Labour and  Social Administration of Germania which held a  conference about the Internet without  barreers .

 In the last session the participants talk about the prepairing of the events which will be held in  may 2016. and the necessary files for the final raport.

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