Scoala Gimnaziala 95

duminică, 13 decembrie 2015


This month a lot of work to do connected to our project. We meet almost every day in order to exchange new informations and to share the results of our workm we keep intensive courses about TIC, about internet and all its opportunities and potential damages to our lives, about personal brand and different devices which we use every day..or we can virtually use if we dare to touch them. The students are very connected and from 16 to 65 yrs everybody learn something new. Very welcome are the workshops about personal brand and about blogs because this are two daily aspectswhich all the time cand be improved or can assure us a way to share experiences. In a world of technology sharing the experiences obline, especially ussing personal blogs, is an exceptional opportunity which help us to communicate, to improve our lives to open new doors with other opeoples, even to find better jobs.

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